Rheosept instant hand sanitizer 500 ml

Rheosept instant hand sanitizer 500 ml


9.46 9.46 incl. VAT (7.95 excl. VAT), per piece *

Availability: Sold out

Packaging unit: 1 piece

Manufacturer: Rheosol

Country of origin: DE/0004

Customs tariff number: 38089490

Weight per piece: 500 g

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  • hygienic and medical hand disinfectant
  • rapid and broad activity
  • excellent bactericidal, fungicidal and viricidalactivity
  • effective against influenza, noro and MRSA
  • skin-friendly - was awarded highest markswhen dermatologically tested
  • perfect skin protection by its autoreplenishingsystem
  • VAH and RKI-listed
Spectrum of activity
bactercidal incl. TBC, fungicidal,viricidal (HIV, HBV, HCV, Rota, influenza, noro).

2-propanol-based. 70% (V/V) Isopropanol. 100g solutioncontains: as active pharmaceutical ingredient: isopropanol63.1g (70V%). Other components: purified water.

Product description
Alcohol-based broadband skin and hand disinfection with aquick effect on the basis of 2-propanol without the additionof colours and scents for use in the medical field, but alsoadequate for handling with food. Pharmaceutical authorisedfor the hygienic and medical hand and skin disinfection.Listed with the VAH (Verbund für Angewandte Hygiene e.V.)acc. to the guidelines of the DGHM (Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Hygiene und Mikrobiologie e.V.). Free of skin allergensand additional irritants. The product does not cause anyallergies. Specific adequacy for skin allergic persons.Applicable in accordance with § 18 IfSG (infectionprotection law) and RKI-disinfection list (Robert KochInstitut). Spectrum of activity: bactercidal incl. TBC,fungicidal, viricidal (HIV, HBV, HCV, Rota, influenza, noro).

Fields of application
The product is suitable for the surface disinfection of smalland alcohol-resistant surfaces. The exposure time is 60seconds on the surfaces with dirty conditions and additionalcleaning by wipes. For skin and hand disinfection in themedical area, but also for handling with foodstuffs.Pharmaceutical authorised for the hygienic and medicalhand and skin disinfection, skin disinfection before simpleinjections and punctures of peripheral vessels, skindisinfection before operations and before punctures ofjoints, disinfection of skin with high sebaceous glands aswell as for medical cooling compresses.


Information on product safety (Manufacturer, Contact)

E.I.S. Euro Industry Supply GmbH & Co. KG, Heilbronner Str. 150, 70191 Stuttgart, GERMANY, +49 (0) 711 460 59 21 40, [email protected], www.euro-industry.com

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Property GTIN/EAN MPN (Manufacturer Part Number)
- 4014838001258 29020340


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* Price in Euro including VAT, plus forwarding charges.
In parentheses: price in Euro excluding VAT, plus forwarding charges.
Clients outside the EU as well as companies outside of Germany don't pay any VAT (excepting for shipping in Germany)!


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